February 16, 2014

Moses Started out a “Basket Case” and struggled with what God wanted of him.
Sermon: “Moses: Called, but Not Qualified”
Theme: God accomplishes through us, not by our capabilities or by our luck, but by God’s intention and miracles.
Purpose: To learn to be faithful first, and then worry about the works that are at hand.
Scriptures: Exodus 4:10-17 Moses complains that he is not able to fulfill what God is asking of him.
Romans 8:26-30 God works through our weakness, we are destined to success.

Click HERE to listen to message.

Prayer and Advocacy for Peace in Sudan

Rev. Debbie Braaksma, Africa Area Coordinator, Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA)  reported from the February 2014 All Africa Council of south-sudan-woman-cooks-in-a-refugee-camp_medium250Churches  meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia of dialogue with leaders of the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan (PCOSS).

One of the stories she recounted of courageous witness of the PCOSS was as they sheltered 6,000 people of all ethnicities ( Nuer, Dinka, Shilluk, Anuak and Murle) in their church compounds. Moderator Peter Gai positioned himself at the gate of the PCOSS compound strongly refusing entry to the soldiers who wanted to come in looking for certain people saying “there are no enemies here”. The situation he described in Malakal and many other parts of South Sudan is very bleak, they told about the horrific conditions of the tens of thousands who are in refugee camps.

As a ceasefire was declared on January 23, between Sudan and South Sudan.  Our sisters and brothers in South Sudan need our prayers as they seek to move into a future of justice and peace.  Your prayers are requested for those who mourn the loss of loved ones, for those injured in the conflict, for political and religious leaders, and for all who work for peace and justice.

In addition to prayer, Presbyterians are encouraged to:

February 9, 2014

Elijah the Prophet Struggling with personal weakness and faith.
Sermon: “Weary and Faithful”
Theme: Elijah struggled with anxiety, fear, and was overwhelmed – God gave healing by giving him meaningful work to accomplish.
Purpose To see in Elijah that God equips even those who are suffering mental illness and terrible anxiety to be a part of the work of God’s grace.
Scriptures: 1 Kings 19:3-16 God speaks to Elijah in the midst of his despair.
Romans 8:31-39 Our outer nature is wasting away but we are renewed from within.


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February 2, 2014 Communion

Sermon: “Together, We Will Make It”
Naomi and Ruth Creating a New life out of ruin.
Theme: Practicing acceptance leads to strength and the ability to overcome loss.
Ruth 1:3-5, 14-22 “Your people shall be my people”
2 Corinthians 5:6-10 We are confident; we walk by faith and not by sight.
Purpose: If we will be open and accepting we will experience the love of God in relationships that sustain us;

Also:  “Souper Bowl of Caring”

Click HERE to listen to message.


9:00 AM (One Service) January 26, 2014

Isaiah the Prophet The Mission of an unpopular message (what is success?)
Theme: We cannot measure success or what it means to be effective on the standards of the world but have to measure it on the basis of faithfulness.
Purpose: A challenge we all face is to take joy in faithfulness and choose carefully how we measure success.
Sermon: “Isaiah the Prophet” The Mission of an unpopular message (what is success?)
Isaiah 6:1-12 Isaiah’s Call
2 Timothy 4:1-5 Preach the message in season and out of season
Was Isaiah successful in proclaiming God’s word because he was persistent in it or because he was faithful to the message? Why proclaim a message that no one wants to hear? What is the purpose of faithfulness if it isn’t going to make things work out for us? How do we know when we are preaching an unpopular message and when we are just being unpleasant ourselves? What do we need to sacrifice in order to be effective in sharing the message of God’s love? Are there people in our lives (family, close friends) to whom we cannot effectively be the conduit of God’s messages? Are there people who close their ears and refuse to listen today?

An Unpopular Message – Click here to listen to the message

January 19, 2014 8:00 and 10:30 AM

Theme: God calls us whether or not we are willing and prepared, our response is to speak from the heart.
Sermon: “A Real Son of a Shepherd”
Amos 7:7-17 Amos, the plumb line, and his calling.
1 John 4:1-6 Test the spirits, consider whether what you are hearing is from God.
What makes a prophet? What are we supposed to do with those feelings and passions we have? Should we speak up when it might offend someone, or is that just being arrogant? How do we know when a message is from God? What type of abilities or qualifications should someone have before we believe them? Should we believe everything that someone we respect says? Is it okay that a person doesn’t believe everything that the pastor preaches? How do we know God’s word?

Click HERE to listen to message.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sermon: David Powerful and Weak – Struggling with his own impulses.
Theme: David was powerful over so many things, other than his own impulses and personal weaknesses, which led him to be surrounded by pain and strife throughout his life.
Purpose: To recognize that we are at time gifted but always sinners; and though we pay the consequences for our actions, we are still loved and treasured by God.
Scriptures: Psalm 51:1-12 A Psalm of David when he sinned.
2 Samuel 12:7-12 Nathan Confronts David and his sin.

Click HERE to listen to message.


Our Fractured Forebearers

The upcoming series on our “Fractured Forbearers” has presented a real dilemma. On the one hand, the purpose of this series is to make the Old Testament more understandable, particularly by giving us a clear picture of the stories and settings of the work of God’s grace coming into the world. On the other hand, we don’t want to have our worship receive an “R Rating” and have to usher everyone under the age of seventeen from the sanctuary. The problem is that these are real people, and real life is decidedly messy.

So one approach is to skip all of the ugly bits. We could simply recognize the stories that show these folks at their best – Noah with all of the paired up critters but not getting drunk and cursing his sons; David defending the people from the big bad bully Goliath, but not being a bully himself; Isaiah offering beautiful imagery, while ignoring that he was hated and reviled by his peers. The problem is that the whole story is there so that we can understand an important truth about our salvation, God loves humans; and humans sin.

What happens when we see God working through people who at times fail and do what is wrong? What happens when we worship a God who is not prone to “big fixes” and tends to use people who have obvious flaws? What happens to our picture of God’s people if we acknowledge we are all sinners; even the best of us? Even more importantly, how should we see our own sins?

If we worship a God who loves sinners and uses imperfect people, it puts our relationship with God and each other on a different footing. If we know someone well, we know their weaknesses and their flaws. If we are a close friend we probably have to make accommodations for their personal issues and problems. If we are an especially good friend, we’ve probably had to support that person when the consequences and outcomes of their failings came pouring back on them. Whether it is holding their hair while they are throwing up from too much to drink, bailing them out of jail, or helping them cover their bills, we know the humanity of some painfully well.

In the Old Testament stories, God doesn’t prevent people’s faults and mistakes from having consequences. God doesn’t prevent sins though at times God intervenes to minimize the damage done. Worse yet, there are times in the Old Testament when the people are violent people and their sins result in violent outcomes that are phrased in ways we find particularly repulsive.

This of course brings us back to the ironic question: “Then how much of the bible really belongs in worship?” I mean most of us don’t come to church to hear about smiting and fornicating (other than maybe some of the gossip in the coffee hour and we don’t want to talk about that). What we want to hear is the good news of God’s grace and to know more about God’s love for us.

So we are going to spend a little time with some of our more fractured forbearers to know about how God works with real people. We are going to find out that God’s love and acceptance extends to people your mother probably doesn’t approve of you associating with; and then God uses those people to accomplish the continuing work of bringing grace and peace to the world. It’s a messy but true miracle.

Pastor Jack

Sharing warm clothes, food and God’s love at Loaves and Fishes – Dec 30, 2013

Assembling chicken barbeque sandwiches at Loaves and Fishes site on December 30, 2013

Assembling chicken barbeque sandwiches

A group of youth and adults from First Presbyterian served a delicious meal on December 30 at Loaves and Fishes for the 4th time in 2013.

Sharing warm mittens and hats at Loaves and Fishes on December 30, 2013

Sharing warm mittens and hats

Mittens, hats and scarves from the Mitten Tree collection during Advent were gratefully accepted by guests on that cold December evening.  Thanks to Lisa Warntjes and Carla Hilbert for their continued leadership and organization of this outreach mission.

December 1, 2013 First Sunday of Advent

Theme: The Miracle begins with a conversation between the voice of God and one who no but God would have noticed.

Luke 1:26-38 The Angel appears to Mary Angel
Isaiah 7:10-16 The Sign, a young woman shall conceive;

Sermon: “Listening for Angelic Voices”

Purpose: Instead of allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed by noisy voices calling out for shopping, drinking, and running, we listen to what God speaks to us about what is really important.


What is an angel? Who is Gabriel (name means literally the “Strength of God”)? Why did God choose Mary? What does it mean to us that our relationship with Christ begins when the Angel of the Lord speaks to a peasant girl in an unimportant part of the world? Why does this story challenge us intellectually and at the same time mean so much to us? Do we believe in angels? What do we believe about the way in which God communicates to us?

Click HERE to listen to message.


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