Sermon: Are Those People Neighbors Too?
Theme: The grace of God is for all people and we are called to not be partial in our acceptance.
Purpose: The congregation will evaluate their own acceptance.
Scriptures: Acts 10:34-48 God shows no partiality, Cornelius’ household is baptized.
Mark 6:7-13 Jesus sends the 12 disciples to all of the villages.
What does it mean to us that God sent Peter to proclaim salvation and healing to the people Peter formally thought were unacceptable? What does it mean to us that God calls no one unclean or unacceptable? Do we accept Jesus’ commissioning to go out to all people? What happens to our faith and our relationship with God when we are stretched beyond where we are comfortable? What happens to us if we deny extending God’s love to some people? How does it distort our relationship with God not to welcome others as brothers and sisters?
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