Sunday Morning Activities
All are invited to Fellowship Time and Growing Connections (Education Hour) on Sunday mornings from 10:15-11:15 am. These are great opportunities to meet people. Fellowship Time is held in the Fellowship Hall and Growing/Educational opportunities for all ages are held throughout the building. Education programs are available for faith formation and spiritual growth and to develop friendships. Young parents have opportunities to learn and share together. These friendships sometimes spill over into the playground while the children play after church and parents visit.
Presbyterian Youth
PYA (Presbyterian Youth Association) is an opportunity for friendships to develop between middle school and high school youth. It gives the youth an open and accepting environment where youth feel comfortable asking the hard questions about faith and life. Youth challenge each other and learn to grow in their faith together. The youth meet most Sundays. Check the Newsletter or Church Calendar for current PYA activities, service projects, events, and other opportunities for youth. Youth with adult chaperons participate in a mission trip each summer.
Women In Faith
A friend is someone who reaches for your hand but touches your heart. Join us for fun and fellowship. Women In Faith meets the second Wednesday evening of each month from 5:30-7:30 pm. We share a fun time of fellowship, light meal, devotion, and crafts or games. Women In Faith is open to women of all ages and everyone is welcome. See you there! Bring a friend!! Please contact Jennifer at the church office with any questions.
Cribbage Anyone?
Presbyterians and their friends gather for an evening of cribbage and fellowship, generally on the third Friday night of the month. Anyone is welcome – even if you don’t yet know how to play Cribbage.
Train Buffs
A group of model train enthusiasts has planned Model Train Shows and enjoyed other excursions centered on their interest of model trains. The Model Train Shows are a fun place to be. The sound of trains on track, many kinds of model trains to see, and smiles on faces of young and old are great to behold.
The Learning Team oversees the following ministries:
Adult Growing Connections
Bible Studies
Book Studies
Sermon Discussions
Sunday Offerings
Children/Youth Sunday School
PYA (Presbyterian Youth Association)
Souper Bowl of Caring
Various Activities and Mission
Church Library