3/17/2019 2nd Sunday of Lent

Sermon:           “Choosing the Cross” 

Theme:            Through prayer and focusing on God’s love we learn to choose the love and healing of the cross over our own defensiveness and bitterness.   

Purpose:          The congregation will work to live and express the grace of God.   

Scriptures:       Philippians 3:17-4:1    “Enemies of the cross,” those who set their own wants and issues above their relationships with Christ and with the body of Christ.

Luke 13:31-35 Jesus is warned by the Pharisees of Herod’s intent to kill him. Jesus mourns the division between the people and God.


What does it mean to be an enemy of the cross? How is it we are entangled in resentments and conflicts? From where does our animosity and bitterness arise? How is it we allow grievances to dominate the way we see ourselves and our relationships? How do we live without participating in the divisiveness and bitterness of the world? How can we have freedom to daily live in love and acceptance for all who are around us?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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