Theme: We trust God to enable us to grow in wisdom and strength through our experiences rather than fear unknowns that are out of our control.
Purpose: The congregation will recognize that we come together to seek strength from God to grow and be wise.
Scriptures: James 1:2-4, 12-21 Count it all joy when you experience trials. Let your temptations lead to the implanted word that has the sower to save your souls. Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus is tempted in the wilderness.
Why would God want to lead us into temptation? What role does temptation play for us? What difference does it make that we pray together that we be strengthened in the midst of our temptations? Are we focused on our temptations as individuals or the whole church? Do we create our own temptations or are they sent to us by God or by the devil? How would we be lead to evil? How do we come to trust God with our vulnerable appetites and weaknesses? Why are temptations such a big part of our lives? Why can’t we pray that God just make us strong without having to go through trials and temptations?
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