Join us on March 2 at the 9 am worship service with communion as Rev. Dr. Craig Alwin shares the sermon “Listen to Him.” Here are some questions to ponder for this Sunday’s sermon.
- What is the significance of Moses and Elijah appearing with Jesus?
- What does it mean to listen to the Son?
- How would you describe our congregation’s identity?
- What theological statement is our congregation making in its practices?
God’s Word is Proclaimed
Psalm Reading: Psalm 99 (Common English Bible)
Gospel Reading: Luke 9:28-36 (Common English Bible)
You can view the bulletin here.
Check Out the Happenings at the First Presbyterian Church for Sunday, March 2.
Click here for the YouTube video, Rev. Dr. Craig Alwin, “Listen to Him”
Click here for the Audio file, Rev. Dr. Craig Alwin, “Listen to Him”
Click here for the March 2 Radio file, aired at 7 am on KFIZ, Rev. Dr. Craig Alwin, “Love Your Enemies.”