We ask that you consider participating in our blood drive from 1:30 – 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 9.
We are very appreciative of the faithful donors who have supported these drives in the past but are no longer able to do so. Now we hope to see some additional donors step forward to join with others who already support this mission of our church.
It takes less than an hour to donate a pint of whole blood; and with one donation, you can save up to three lives. Almost anyone can donate. Basic requirements include being at least 17 years old (16 with parental consent), weighing at least 110 pounds and in good health. The friendly technicians are happy to help you through the process and sometimes even provide a bit of entertainment.
Good food and snacks are provided after donation.
Donors can sign up at the Welcoming Center in the Narthex. Online registration will also be available at www.bcw.edu/FpFDL Walk In are also welcome.