April 1, 2020 Lenten Service Podcast

Join in worship through our April 1st, 2020 Lenten Podcast by clicking for the PODCAST, and the BULLETIN

Join us in the Palm Sunday Processional by sending a photo to dzorn@fdlpresbyterian.org of you and your family processing. Palm’s may be picked up in front of the church doors or just substitute your own. Photos and other images will be made a part of the service for Sunday.

Check out our website www.fdlpresbyterian.org for our Sunday morning video worship service on YouTube. 

03/08/2020 Second Sunday of Lent

Sermon:                       God’s Call to a New Place

Theme:            We are called to a new, better life of wholeness, healthy relationships, love, and peace.

Purpose:          We will commit to changes that will open us to new possibilities of relationship with God and others.

Scriptures:       Genesis 12:1-4 God calls Abram to leave behind his family and home to a new land that God will show him.

                        John 3:1-17     Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus the Pharisee at night.


What do we need to be willing to leave behind in order to move to a healthier place in our faith and relationship with God? What does it mean for us to be “Born from above” and how do we participate with God in our rebirth? In what ways is Nicodemus’ question “how can a person be reborn when they have grown old” describe our own sense of being unable to change? How do we open ourselves to the “water” and the “Spirit” to act in our lives in a new way? What is the difference between being faithful and being transformed by the power of God’s Holy Spirit?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

03/01/2020 Communion Sunday, First Sunday of Lent.

Sermon:           Our Problem

Theme:            We are people who are mired in sin and unable to overcome our weakness.

Purpose:          We will understand our need for submission to God.

Scriptures:       Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7            God’s commandment to not eat of the fruit of the knowledge of Good and Evil.

                        Matthew 4:1-11          Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness by the devil.


What role does temptation and trial play in our process of sorting out our priorities? How is it that we come to examine what we truly believe rather than the things we wish we believed? What is the path we need to walk in order to come to a place where we are able to be authentic in our faith? What causes people to be more focused on their own will and desires rather than on what would truly be fulfilling and joyful?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

03/22/2020 Fourth Sunday of Lent Podcast

Sermon:           Choosing the Light

Theme:            We choose to listen to God’s direction and gifts rather than return to our need for control or comfort.

Purpose:          The congregation will renew their commitment to listening to God’s call upon their lives.

Scriptures:       Ephesians 5:8-14         Be people of the light, take no part in the works of darkness.

                        John 9:1-41     Jesus heals a man born blind, the conflict with the Pharisees who cannot accept the healing.


What is blinding us from seeing the possibilities of God’s presence and power in the world around us? In what ways do we miss God’s grace and power because of our perceptions and judgments? How do we release our need for control and our false over confidence in order to see God’s movement in the world around us? What do we need to do in order to be part of God’s light coming into the world, rather than to be locked in our own limited points of view?

Click HERE to for the podcast.

Click HERE for the bulletin.

02/23/2020 Transfiguration Sunday

Sermon:           God’s Overwhelming Presence.

Theme:            We are healed and transformed by the power of God’s presence and awe, so that we may choose to follow a new path of wholeness and peace.

Purpose:          We will examine the gifts of awe and the power of God as we experience them in our lives.

Scriptures:       Exodus 24:12-18         The glory of God’s power is shown to Moses and Israel.

                        Matthew 17:1-9          The story of the transfiguration, and the call to listen to Christ.


What is the difference between experiencing the awe and wonder of God’s presence and being entertained or excited about an event? What purpose does the Transfiguration play in our relationship with Jesus? What does it mean to see Jesus differently? What influence does the power of God and wonder in God’s glory have in our ability to thoughtful and wise Christians? How does acknowledging God’s greatness and Jesus’ divinity cause us to see ourselves in a different perspective?

Click HERE to listen to the message.


Sermon:           The Law of Humility and Kindness.

Theme:            We cannot know God’s instruction outside of an attitude of humility and kindness.

Purpose:          We will re-examine our understanding of the law and teachings of God in light of the need for compassion and humility.

Scriptures:       Deuteronomy 30:15-20          God has promised that if we follow God’s law we will experience wholeness and prosperity.

                        Matthew 5:21-37        The laws of God require humility and compassion in order to be fulfilled in God’s new Kingdom.


What does it mean for us to control our anger? How does our anger, lust, and insecurity interfere with our relationship with God and our relationships with the people around us? What practices do we need to learn so that we have a healthy relationship with our anger and ability to be honest with others? Why has the world become so prone to hostile outbreaks, insults, and falsehoods? What does the way in which people treat others (created in the image of God) do to our perceptions of God? What entices us to follow after false God’s of wealth, power, influence, or security?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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