The joy of Christian Fellowship is shared at a number of worship services and times:


9:00 am Worship In-Person and on Zoom.

10:15am Education hour is a way to grow in Christian knowledge and to meet people.

10:15am Fellowship Time is another great way to meet people.

What Do We Believe?

Presbyterians are a Protestant denomination of the Christian religion.

We believe in God, who created all things and who loves us now and forever.

We believe in Jesus Christ, God-become-flesh, who became human to show us how to live in a way that pleases God. We believe that all who trust in Jesus as their Lord and Savior will have eternal life with God.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, God’s presence with us. Through the Holy Spirit, God is always present with us and we are always present to God.

We believe in two sacraments, visible signs of God’s invisible grace. Baptism is the sacrament of inclusion where we are welcomed into the faith as God’s beloved children. The Lord’s Supper
(Communion, Holy Eucharist) is the sacrament of spiritual nurture and sustenance.

We believe that the Bible, though written by many people over several centuries, is God’s Word for us. When we read the Bible with the aid of the Holy Spirit, it shows us how much God loves us and guides us in living godly lives.

We believe that we are called to live out lives of faith in the community of the church. By studying our Bibles together, sharing with one another and worshiping together we grow in faith and build up the church, Jesus’ earthly body.

We believe in sharing our faith. Christianity is a personal faith, but we are not meant to keep it to ourselves. We share our faith through acts of kindness and generosity in our community and beyond, and by how we live our lives every day.