Join us in worship as Pastor Ken Locke leads us in 9am In-Person Worship and in Zoom Worship at 10:30am.
Pastor Ken Locke is serving as our Transitional Pastor. Pastor Locke has a great deal of experience in working with congregations in transition. He will lead the congregation through a time of study and discernment that will prepare us for our next full-time pastor.
You can view the bulletin here. Communion Insert here.
Sermon Title: “A Good Example” or “A Time and a Place for Everything”
Scripture: John 12:1-8
The Audio Service is here. Rev. Ken Locke, April 3, 2022 Sermon: Sermon Title: “A Good Example” or “A Time and a Place for Everything”
The Radio Service is here. Rev. Ken Locke recorded on March 27, 2022, on radio April 3, 2022.
Scripture is read from NRSV Bible (New Revised Standard Version)
Permission to podcast/stream the service music obtained from ONE LICENSE,
License A-730666 and CCLI Streaming License CSPL069066 and WORSHIPCast Streaming License. All Rights Reserved.
Sermon: “A Good Example” or “A Time and a Place for Everything” Pastor: Ken Locke
Children’s Time Jennifer Zander
Liturgist: Jolene Schry
Song Leader: Linda Dorn
Opening Hymn #361 “How Firm a Foundation
”TEXT: “K” in John Rippon’s A Selection of Hymns, 1787, alt.
MUSIC (FOUNDATION American folk melody; Funk’s Genuine Church Music, 1832, alt.
Creed: The Westminster Confession of Faith, 6.161, 1647, Modern Language
Offering: “Foundation” arranged by Wilbur Held
From “7 Settings of American Folk Hymns” by Wilbur Held
Published by Concordia
Reprinted/podcast/streamed with permission under License #A -130666
All rights reserved.
Offertory: Presbyterian Hymnal #428 “We Give Thee but Thine Own (vs1)
Text: William Walsham How, 1858
Music: (Schumann SM): Mason and Webb’s Cantica Laudis, 1850
Closing Hymn #391 “Take My Life” (vs. 1, 2, 4 & 6)
TEXT: Frances Ridley Havergal , 1874
MUSIC (HENDON H. A. César Malan, 1827
Closing Refrain: Glory to God Hymnal #542 “God Be with You Till We Meet Again”
TEXT: Jeremiah Eames Rankin, 1880, alt.
MUSIC (GOD BE WITH YOU William G. Tomer, 1880