Basic info: PYA is for students in the 6th-12th grade
When: Sundays at 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm-unless noted
Purpose: To get to know Jesus Christ and have lots of fun!
Sunday January 4th PYA 5:30 – 7:00 PM in the Youth Room—Come celebrate the New Year
Saturday January 10th Volley Balloon at the Woodlands
Sunday January 11th PYA 5:30-7:00 PM in the Youth Room
The Mission trip contract and $50 deposit are due January 11th. Any late paper work or deposits will be placed on a waiting list.
Friday January 16th PYA Lock In 8:00 PM-7:00 AM in the Youth Room
Sunday January 25th 9:00 AM Worship with Annual Meeting to follow
Sunday February 1st Souper Bowl of Caring – (8:00 AM & 10:30 AM Worship Services) Collect offerings for the Fond du Lac Food Pantry for local food distribution.