Sermon: “The Story Continues to Begin”
Theme: We are “re-clothed” by Christ’s coming to take part of bringing a message of healing and transformation to the world.
Purpose: The congregation will continue the celebration of Christmas as they seek ways to share Christ’s love.
Scriptures: Isaiah 61:10-62:3 I will rejoice in the Lord, and clothe in salvation to celebrate a new gift of righteousness.
Luke 2:22-40 Jesus is dedicated at the temple, prophesy is made for his transforming role.
After all of the presents are unwrapped and the Christmas frenzy is over, what is it we want for God to give to us in Christ’s coming? What do we need to hear God speak to us of promises of healing and transformation? What changes are the gifts of forgiveness and transformation going to bring to us? Now that God has given us new life and peace, what needs to be taken out of our closet and given away? What things are cluttering up our ability to receive the gift of Christ’s presence in new ways?
Click HERE to listen to the message.