October 7th, 2018 World Communion Sunday

10/7/2018       The smallest are greatest.      Communion, Peacemaking Sunday

Sermon:          “Real Faith: Called to Care For All Children.”

Theme:            Our relationship with Christ calls us to look past labels and controversies, to focus on the needs of the children and vulnerable of the world around us.

Purpose:         The congregation will examine their bias and prejudice in order to see a call to care for those who are in need.

Scriptures:      Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12 Jesus reigns on high, and calls us to suffer in order to serve all children, brothers and sisters in the world.

Mark 10:2-16  Jesus welcomes the children, the lowest in society, and calls them great.



What is our responsibility to those who are least powerful in our society? What impact does it make on us in our relationship with Christ and growth as Christians when we pay attention to people who are less influential or fortunate than ourselves? How do we imitate Christ’s work of being compassionate for the people who are in need of love and hope? How do we make our mission of reaching out in love a central part of our daily life in Christ?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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