First Presbyterian Church Campership Form

Campership Form

Family and Youth Camp Opportunities

Do you want to go to summer camp?  

Daycholah Center (Green Lake) and Moon Beach (St. Germain) are two great camps that are ideal choices for people of all ages.  Each week campers gather to share, play, relax and discuss not to mention, swimming, canoeing, crafting and making new friends.

Information and registration forms are also available on the United Church Camps, Inc. website  

If you wish to apply for financial aid, please fill out the Presbytery Campership Application (available in the church office or on Presbytery website ) leaving the “amount your church can pay” line blank and give to the church as soon as possible.  The Presbytery may provide approximately one quarter of the cost and our church’s contribution will be determined based on the number of applicants.

Scholarships are also available from First Presbyterian Church.  First Presbyterian Church has established a process for applying for a scholarship (campership) for Church Camps.  Campership Applications are on the table outside the office or Campership Form  All campership applications must be submitted for consideration to the Campership Committee.  Please return all forms to the church office.

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