May 4, 2014

Communion will be served by Intinction.
Mission Moment: Compassion Sunday
Are we living in the resurrection or living as if the resurrection never happened – moving into a life that has experienced resurrection?

Sermon: “So What Should We Do?
Theme: The resurrection calls us to live as those born to eternal life, which is going to mean having to be open to changes in how we see our lives.
Purpose: The congregation will become aware of their expectations of death and instead begin to be open to replacing those expectations with God’s grace and presence.

Scriptures:  Luke 24:13-35 The Road to Emmaus
Acts 2:14, 36-41 Peter proclaims the gospel

Click HERE to listen to message.

“Hurting Yourself”

Ephesians 4:29-32

First I need to apologize for being so poor at keeping this blog up to date. read on

Support the People of South Sudan

Support the People of South Sudan!The people of South Sudan are in desperate need of help.   On April 12, the United States along with the European Union and the United Nations outlined the problems and called for immediate action in a statement below:

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“Despite a Cessation of Hostilities agreement, fighting has continued, causing tremendous suffering and large-scale displacement inside and outside the country. This is a man-made disaster. All parties need to urgently work together to create the conditions for peace and stability to return to South Sudan.There are five million people in need, 800,000 people who are internally displaced, and 280,000 who have fled to neighboring countries. We thank those countries for hosting refugees from South Sudan.Humanitarian agencies have reached more than one million people with life-saving aid. But this is just a fifth of the people in need. There must be immediate and unconditional access for the UN and humanitarian organizations to reach people in need across all areas of South Sudan.

Please contact your members of congress and urge them to support increased diplomatic initiatives and funding for humanitarian aid for South Sudan.  And, urge the Secretary of State and President to use all possible means to continue to press for humanitarian access.

Click here to send a message to congress and the administration today!

From the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) Office of Public Witness

April 20, 2014 Easter Sunday

Sermon: “What a Difference That Day Makes”
Theme: If we will embrace and live in the joy of the resurrection we become confident of God’s steadfast love filling all of the days of our lives.
Scriptures:  John 20:1-18 John tells of the resurrection.
Colossians 3:1-4 If you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above.

What is meant by “If you have been raised with Christ?” Are we raised with Christ by believing in him? What is the difference between believing in the resurrection and not believing in the resurrection? Do we have to believe the resurrection is a “scientific fact” in order to know Christ’s love? What is the gift of God’s love that is so great that it cannot be defeated by death? Can we affirm with Mary, “We have seen the lord!”?

Click HERE to listen to message.


Sunday, March 30, 2014 4th Sunday of Lent Emotional Courage

Sermon: “The Courage to Be Ourselves”
Theme: We grow in emotional courage as we learn to be shaped and molded by God’s Holy Spirit and Christ’s love.
Purpose: The congregation will explore the difference between holding fast to their own relationship with God and accepting others, as they are.
Scriptures: Ephesians 4:22-32 do not let the sun go down on your anger. be kind to one another.
John 14:18-27 I will not leave you orphaned, those who keep my commandments will show their love.


Click HERE to listen to message.


Sunday, March 23, 2014 3rd Sunday of Lent Social Courage

Sermon: “The Courage to Come Together”
Theme: We develop the courage to let God be our source of strength and let go of past battles, issues, and conflicts.
Scriptures: Matthew 6:9-15 “Forgive us as we forgive others”
1 John 4:7-13, 17-21 We cannot love God and hate our brother or sister, love creates boldness.
What is the courage we need to show as a community? How do we encourage courage in one another? What is the difference between forgiveness as individuals and practicing acceptance as a community? What courage does it take to be people who shape their community? What courage do we need today in Fond du Lac? What courage are we growing as we worship and pray together?


The Courage to Come Together – Click here to listen to the message

Sunday, March 16, 2014 2nd Sunday of Lent Physical Courage

Sermon: “The Heart of a Lion”
Theme: We develop the courage to act, or not to act as we learn the disciplines that God teaches us.
Scriptures: Romans 12:9-21 Do not repay evil for evil
Matthew 18:21-35 Forgive from the heart.

Questions: In what ways are we physically courageous? What does courage demand of our actions and our manner of caring for ourselves? What does courage have to do with forgiveness? In what ways is forgiveness an act of caring for our own lives? Does it take more courage to fight and enter into conflict or to end a conflict or a battle? How is courage a necessary part of creating peace?

The Heart of a Lion – Click here to listen to the message

Sunday, March 9, 2014 1st Sunday of Lent Intellectual and Moral Courage

Sermon: “Growing a Courageous Heart”
Theme: Intellectual and moral courage begin from a relationship with God and grows into honesty, truthfulness, and kindness.
Scriptures: Matthew 5:33-37 Let your yes be yes and your no be no.
Psalm 19:7-14 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (choosing what to fear)

Click HERE to listen to message.


March 2, 2014 Communion

Sermon: “For Such a Time as This”
Theme: If we will hold fast to our faith, God will place us in circumstances where we can be used.
Purpose: To focus on developing courage and trust in God, even in the face of threats or loss of control.
Esther Struggled with choice between power and royalty, to do the right thing.
Scriptures:  Esther 2:9-11, 17-18; 3:12-14 Esther becomes queen, and finds herself needing to take the risk of interceding on behalf of her people.
                             Philippians 2:12-18 We are called to serve, holding fast to the Word and trusting.

Click HERE to listen to message


February 23, 2014

Sarah, Faith when life is out of control.

Sermon: “Faith When We Are Out of Control”
Theme: Sarah continued on, though she had no control over the situations in her life, and though she did not trust God at His word, she was still blessed by God.
Purpose: To understand faith is about being willing and offering ourselves to God, not being perfect.
Scriptures: Genesis 18:1-13 The Lord Appears to Abraham and Sarah, Sarah laughs at what is prophesied.
Hebrews 11:8-16 By faith, Abraham and Sarah were able to pursue their “homeland” and to see promises fulfilled.

Click HERE to listen to message.


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