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Christmas Presents for South Korean Orphanage
Click HERE to go to a Facebook Link and see the video thank you from the Gapo Church in South Korea who assisted us with the mission to provide toys to the near by orphanage.
Thank You First Presbyterian from Back to School FdL
Thank You First Presbyterian from Back to School FdL
Your congregation gave over $800 in cash, nearly $1000 worth of school supplies and many volunteer hours to the Fond du Lac Back to School project. Your Outreach Team also gave $1000 to the project. Many Presbyterians served on teams, helped with preparations and shopped with kids on Distribution Day. So, way to go First Prezz! Your involvement in serving the needs of the community are outstanding. So, you get a big thank you from Care INC and the Back to School FdL Team! Because of your generosity, this year 1217 students were given the school supplies they needed to start the new school year in a great way.
Kiva Loan for Valentine – Rwanda Agriculture
Valentine is 37 years old. She is married with 3 children aged between 1 and 8. Two of them go to school. She has been farming for 6 years. read on
Kiva Loan Made to Laiza from Zimbabwe
Laiza is a 24-year-old young woman. She is married with two children and is living in the Chiredzi District of Zimbabwe. She is a Camfed Learner Guide volunteering at her local secondary school, teaching a weekly life skills class. She has also grown her poultry business to its current capacity, producing about 50 broiler birds every six weeks and selling them to the local residents. Laiza would very much like to increase her sales volume to improve her income and her family’s quality of life. She will use the Kiva loan to purchase more broiler chicks and chick feed to increase production.
Click HERE to learn more about this loan made by our Outreach team.
Support the People of South Sudan
Support the People of South Sudan!The people of South Sudan are in desperate need of help. On April 12, the United States along with the European Union and the United Nations outlined the problems and called for immediate action in a statement below:
Click here to send a message today! “Despite a Cessation of Hostilities agreement, fighting has continued, causing tremendous suffering and large-scale displacement inside and outside the country. This is a man-made disaster. All parties need to urgently work together to create the conditions for peace and stability to return to South Sudan.There are five million people in need, 800,000 people who are internally displaced, and 280,000 who have fled to neighboring countries. We thank those countries for hosting refugees from South Sudan.Humanitarian agencies have reached more than one million people with life-saving aid. But this is just a fifth of the people in need. There must be immediate and unconditional access for the UN and humanitarian organizations to reach people in need across all areas of South Sudan. Please contact your members of congress and urge them to support increased diplomatic initiatives and funding for humanitarian aid for South Sudan. And, urge the Secretary of State and President to use all possible means to continue to press for humanitarian access. Click here to send a message to congress and the administration today! From the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) Office of Public Witness |
Church KIVA Loans
The Fond du Lac Presbyterian Microloan Partnership began as an extension of the First Presbyterian Church Outreach Team in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA. We invite other church members, families, friends, and anyone else believing in our mission to join us. We share a love for Christ and a passion for empowering others to eliminate poverty throughout the world.
A recent loan was to Rebecca, a married woman with five children. She is a very hard working entrepreneur. Rebecca is 54 years old and has one child who is still in school.
Rebecca has a business raising livestock in the Philippines. Rebecca requested a PHP 12,000 loan through NWTF to buy additional livestock, feed and other supplies for her livestock.
Rebecca has been in this business for 10 years. Rebecca would like to save enough to provide a secure future for her family. More in formation on Rebecca can be found by clicking HERE.
This link HERE shows the other loans we have been involved in.
Prayer and Advocacy for Peace in Sudan
Rev. Debbie Braaksma, Africa Area Coordinator, Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) reported from the February 2014 All Africa Council of Churches meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia of dialogue with leaders of the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan (PCOSS).
One of the stories she recounted of courageous witness of the PCOSS was as they sheltered 6,000 people of all ethnicities ( Nuer, Dinka, Shilluk, Anuak and Murle) in their church compounds. Moderator Peter Gai positioned himself at the gate of the PCOSS compound strongly refusing entry to the soldiers who wanted to come in looking for certain people saying “there are no enemies here”. The situation he described in Malakal and many other parts of South Sudan is very bleak, they told about the horrific conditions of the tens of thousands who are in refugee camps.
As a ceasefire was declared on January 23, between Sudan and South Sudan. Our sisters and brothers in South Sudan need our prayers as they seek to move into a future of justice and peace. Your prayers are requested for those who mourn the loss of loved ones, for those injured in the conflict, for political and religious leaders, and for all who work for peace and justice.
In addition to prayer, Presbyterians are encouraged to:
- Advocate with the United States government. Information is available through the PC(USA) Office of Public Witness.
- Give. Your gifts to DR-000042-South Sudan will help provide food, emergency supplies, trauma recovery, and peace-building support.
- View the Jan. 24 CNN interview with Shelvis and Nancy Smith-Mather, PC(USA) mission workers in South Sudan.
- Read a reflection from Linda Valentine, executive director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, on how the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations works for peace in South Sudan.
Sharing warm clothes, food and God’s love at Loaves and Fishes – Dec 30, 2013

Assembling chicken barbeque sandwiches
A group of youth and adults from First Presbyterian served a delicious meal on December 30 at Loaves and Fishes for the 4th time in 2013.
Mittens, hats and scarves from the Mitten Tree collection during Advent were gratefully accepted by guests on that cold December evening. Thanks to Lisa Warntjes and Carla Hilbert for their continued leadership and organization of this outreach mission.