Chancel Choir – Adult

Chancel Choir – Adult choir
This year we are looking at making a few minor changes to our “performance” with adding songs with the congregation, preludes and postludes (all good things). You don’t have to read music or be a perfect singer – just want to have fun and be a part of an amazing group of people.

Prayer and Advocacy for Peace in Sudan

Rev. Debbie Braaksma, Africa Area Coordinator, Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA)  reported from the February 2014 All Africa Council of south-sudan-woman-cooks-in-a-refugee-camp_medium250Churches  meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia of dialogue with leaders of the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan (PCOSS).

One of the stories she recounted of courageous witness of the PCOSS was as they sheltered 6,000 people of all ethnicities ( Nuer, Dinka, Shilluk, Anuak and Murle) in their church compounds. Moderator Peter Gai positioned himself at the gate of the PCOSS compound strongly refusing entry to the soldiers who wanted to come in looking for certain people saying “there are no enemies here”. The situation he described in Malakal and many other parts of South Sudan is very bleak, they told about the horrific conditions of the tens of thousands who are in refugee camps.

As a ceasefire was declared on January 23, between Sudan and South Sudan.  Our sisters and brothers in South Sudan need our prayers as they seek to move into a future of justice and peace.  Your prayers are requested for those who mourn the loss of loved ones, for those injured in the conflict, for political and religious leaders, and for all who work for peace and justice.

In addition to prayer, Presbyterians are encouraged to:

December 8, 8:00 Worship, 10:30 Children’s Musical “Stranger in the Manger”

8:00 AM Service
Gabriel and Zechariah
Theme: The angel brings a transforming and renewing message that will bring new life and new experience of the presence of God out of past traditions.
Sermon: “Receiving God’s Message with Gladness”
Scriptures: Luke 1:5-25 The Angel and Zechariah
Isaiah 6:1-13 Isaiah’s vision of the Holy of Holies.
Questions: What must we do in order to be prepared to receive God’s message with gladness? How do we draw strength from our tradition without being rooted in the past? In what ways does God free us to new life, no longer binding us to what has happened before? What is our message of renewal, new life, and promises of God’s presence? How do old traditions serve us today as places for new experiences of Christ’s presence?

10:30 Children’s Musical “Stranger in the Manger”
Experience the Christmas Story as presented by our Children.

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