Join us on March 31 as Rev. Dr. Craig Alwin leads us in the 9 am Easter Sunday Worship In-Person and on Zoom.
March 28 Maundy Thursday Worship Service
Join us on Thursday, March 28 as Rev. Dr. Craig Alwin leads us in the 7 pm Service of Holy Communion and Tenebrae In-Person and on Zoom.
March 24 Worship Palm Sunday
Join us on March 24 as Rev. Dr. Craig Alwin leads us in the 9 am Palm Sunday Worship In-Person and on Zoom.
March 17 Worship Fifth Sunday in Lent
Join us on March 17 as Rev. Dr. Craig Alwin leads us in 9 am Worship In-Person and on Zoom.
March 10 Worship Fourth Sunday in Lent
Join us on March 10 as Rev. Dr. Craig Alwin leads us in 9 am Worship In-Person and on Zoom.
March 3 Worship with Communion Third Sunday in Lent
Join us on March 3 as Rev. Dr. Craig Alwin leads us in 9 am Worship with Communion In-Person and on Zoom.
“The New Temple”
The physical things of the church are good, but we need to continually refocus more and more on seeing Jesus, and being Jesus for others. Jesus’ body, the church, is the new temple; the holy place where we meet and encounter God.
February 25 Worship Second Sunday in Lent
Join us on February 25 as Rev. Dr. Craig Alwin leads us in 9 am Worship In-Person and on Zoom.
“Set Your Minds on Divine Things”
the Gospel economy requires us to let go of all worldly power
February 18 First Sunday in Lent
Join us on February 18 as Rev. Dr. Craig Alwin leads us in 9 am Worship In-Person and on Zoom.
February 11 Worship Service Transfiguration Sunday
Join us on February 11 as Rev. Dr. Craig Alwin leads us in 9 am Worship In-Person and on Zoom.
February 4 Worship with Communion Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
Join us on February 4 as Rev. Dr. Craig Alwin leads us in 9 am Worship with Communion In-Person and on Zoom.