Other: Grade School Bibles will be received during worship;
Sermon: “Experience the Resurrection”
Theme: As we experience Christ with us, we are healed, and renewed, and sent out to share the message of Christ’s rising from the dead among all who are still struggling with darkness and fear.
Purpose: The congregation will joyfully recognize their experiences of Christ’s resurrection and share this with all they meet.
Scriptures: John 20:19-31 The disciples experience Jesus’ presence in the upper room.
1 John 1:2:2 We proclaim what we have seen, and touched, and heard, that Christ’s light heals us from our sins.
What does the resurrection mean for our life and faith? How do we integrate our experience of Christ’s raising from the dead in our daily lives? How do we share this gift of hope and expectation of blessing with people who are struggling with feelings of emptiness and anxiousness? How do we become people who receive the resurrection on a daily basis?
Click HERE to listen to the message from April 12th, 2015