Sunday, July 26, 2015 Father Abraham Abraham and Sarah

Sermon: Becoming Who We are Called to Be
Theme: The call of Abram was not a story of heroic discipline but of simple faithfulness.
Purpose: To understand that often we begin our journeys of faith not knowing what we are actually doing.
Scriptures:  Hebrews 11:8-19, 39-40 By faith God acted through Abraham, but the promise was not perfected in them at that time.
Genesis 12:1-9 The Lord Calls Abram.

Why was it necessary for Abram to separate from his family and his culture in order that God could do something new? How do we learn to be willing to walk by faith? Is it possible for us to encounter God in new ways without sacrificing something which we currently hold dear? Is it possible to be renewed and transformed without being willing to experience significant changes? In what ways was Abram a man of faith? In what ways was Abram just following small, simple steps? What does it mean to us that the covenant was given to Abram and Sarai? What does that covenant mean to us today? Why did Abram and Sarai have to go through a “name change” in order to complete the process of receiving God’s promise to them?

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