09/11/2016 Beginning of our theme: Becoming Peacemakers

Sermon:           “The Forgiven Fellowship of the Found”

Theme:            We always remember that we have been redeemed by God as those who were lost, and out of that gratitude and experience of forgiveness proclaim a joyful message of healing to the world.

Purpose:          The congregation will appreciate God’s forgiveness and will act with patience towards those in the world that are  in need of that forgiveness.

Scriptures:       1 Timothy 1:12-17  Paul relates that God mercifully forgave Paul so that he might be one who could glorify God through patiently sharing love and peace.

Luke 15:1-10  Jesus tells the parable of the lost sheep, lost coins.



Do we think of ourselves as forgiven sinners or as righteous judges? Are we more focused on what others do wrong or are we living out our gratitude for what God has forgiven in us? What is the result of being judgmental and self-righteous? What is the power of living joyfully out of grace, mercy, and forgiveness? How are we called to be peacemakers through the gift of grace? In what ways does this type of peacemaking create healthy, joyful, fellowship? How do we begin to let go of our judgment and self-righteousness so that we can live in the abundance of grace and peace?

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