September 18, 2016 Unhealthy Silence vs. Speaking the Truth in Love

Sermon:           Taking our Words Seriously

Theme:            We grow in peacemaking as we grow in the discipline of watching our choice of words, and choosing to speak words that will result in peace.

Purpose:          The congregation will recognize the need to choose words carefully and to take time to heal relationships rather than allowing the words to be tossed carelessly.

Scriptures:       James 3:1-12   Not many should be teachers – the damage done by the tongue.

Matthew 5:21-26        Jesus teaches regarding not keeping offenses with others.



How do we choose to speak in ways that will bring peace? Why is it that we find ourselves saying things that later result in more hurt and hostility? Is it possible for us to speak the truth in love? What preparation do we need to make before we seek to speak to someone about sensitive issues? How do we choose when to speak and bring up something that may be divisive?  What is our responsibility when there are people who are upset with us? What do we need to learn in order to be effective in speaking the words that will be best for bringing changes that are needed?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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