
Sermon:           “To Know Only Christ, and Him Crucified”

Theme:            Our foundation for our faith is that Christ sacrificed himself, which calls us to a wisdom of love and compassion.

Purpose:          The congregation will learn and grow in the wisdom of Christ.

Scriptures:       Luke 7:24-35   Jesus compares the wisdom of John the Baptist with the wisdom of the religious teachers.

1 Corinthians 2:1-13   The Apostle Paul speaks of the wisdom of knowing Christ, and him crucified.



What does it mean to only know Christ, and him crucified? What difference does it make to us that we worship the God who was crucified? What does it mean for our humility and judgment that our model is Christ who was willing to suffer for people who did not deserve his love and grace? What becomes our source for our identity and self-esteem as Christians? What enables us to be ourselves in the midst of the expectations of others?

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