7/2/2017 Sabbath – God Says You Deserve a Day Off Communion

Sermon:           “Working and Living”

Theme:            We become slaves to our work and anxieties about proving ourselves worthy, and as a result lose the precious gift of being God’s capable people.

Purpose:          The congregation members will consider what they do that is important to relationships and focus on those things.

Scriptures:       Exodus 20:8-11           God commanded to rest on the Sabbath.

Luke 13:10-17 Jesus heals on the Sabbath.


Why is it so many of us do not have a healthy balance between work and rest? What causes us to think that somehow neglecting our health and our family is pleasing to God? What lack of inner strength leads us to obsessively worry about work and money? How do we learn to honor sabbath without becoming legalistic about it? What can we change in our lives to be healthier in our relationships with our family and with God?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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