Sermon: “Plenty to Share”
Theme: We have an abundance of God’s wisdom, love, and healing presence to share.
Purpose: Focus more on caring, less on anxiousness and selfish concerns.
Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 One body, many gifts for the good of all.
John 2:1-11 Jesus changes the water into wine, purification becomes celebration of the Kingdom of God.
What causes people to feel uncomfortable about sharing their faith? What do we need to do in order to live our faith so that others sense our confidence and joy in knowing Christ? How can we be “attractive” in our faith rather than creating a sense of judgment or pushing faith on others? How can we joyfully invite others to celebrate God’s love and blessings? What causes the fear and sense of intimidation around sharing our faith?
Click HERE to listen to the message.