1/27/2019 One service 9:00 AM Annual Meeting following Service.

Sermon:           “A Light for Today”

Theme:            The message of liberation, healing, and being a part of God’s transformation is one that the world craves today.

Purpose:          To focus on being God’s faithful people.

Scriptures:       1 Corinthians 12:12-31a         The various gifts and how the body works together.

Luke 4:14-21   Jesus preaches in the temple, “The spirit of the Lord is upon me.”


How can we share a gift of God’s love and acceptance for each person’s gifts and abilities? How do we assist others to know their own identity as one gifted by God? How do we help people to know their own unique ways of being God’s beloved children? What is that causes us to feel insecure and uncertain about our own abilities and contributions to serving God? In what ways does serving God enable us to feel a unique sense of strength and purpose?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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