Theme: We submit our will to listen to God’s will and find joy in aligning our desires with God’s will in the world around us.
Purpose: The congregation will explore the process of humbling selfishness in order to find satisfaction and joy in God’s will.
Scriptures: Romans 8:18-30 We do not consider the sufferings of the present times worth comparing what will be revealed. All things work together for Good for those in Christ Jesus.
Luke 12:13-31 Parable of the wealthy man, seek first the Kingdom of God.
Questions: How do we know what God’s will really is? Is God’s will more than that we live by the laws and rules of the bible or is there something more? Who decides what the will of God is on earth? In the flood, God willed that an event that killed a lot of people, does that mean that God will for bad things to happen in the world today? What difference does it mean that we pray together for God’s will? What do we need to do as God’s people together in order to be faithful to God’s will?
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