01/12/2020 Sermon: God’s Promise of New Life

Theme:            We are renewed by the promise that God’s love will sustain us and keep us close.

Purpose:          The congregation will find confidence through God’s love and approval for every one of us.

Scriptures:       Isaiah 42:1-9    God will give light to the covenant people and keep them safe.

                        Matthew 3:13-17        Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan – God identifies Jesus as blessed and love.


What does our baptism mean to us now that we are grown up and older? How does our baptism continue to be a source of new life? If Jesus was sinless what does his baptism mean for us? What is the difference between God sending Jesus to stand with sinners and God being a punishing judge? How does the love and compassion of Jesus enable us to grow in our faith? What does it mean to worship Christ who was humble and accepting of people who were flawed and challenged?

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