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Sermon: “Rivers of Living Water”
Theme: Those who draw their wisdom and strength from the knowledge of God serve through the Holy Spirit to work together for God’s grace.
Purpose: We will be unified by our relationship with God through the Holy Spirit rather than our need for control.
Scriptures: Numbers 11:24-30 Two men remain as prophets in the camp – pleasing Moses that some are able to serve God’s Spirit.
John 7:37-39 All who are thirsty draw of the living water.
What does it mean for living water to “flow from the believer’s heart?” How do we experience that presence of living water? What is the difference between having that living water and being hostile, arrogant, or afraid? What does it mean to be people who are able to speak and act as prophets today? How is our own relationship with God and spiritual sustenance related to being prophetic in our words? How do we remain healthy as people who are sharing God’s message in a world that can be hostile or disrespectful toward God’s word?
Description for Wednesday June 17, 2020
Scripture is read from NRSV Bible (New Revised Standard Version)
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-730666 and CCLI Streaming License CSPL069066. All Rights reserved.
Hymn: Glory to God Hymnal #612 “We Praise You, O God”
TEXT: Julia C. Cory, 1902, alt.
MUSIC (KREMSER Neder-landtsch Gedenck-Clank,
1626; harm. Eduard Kremser, 1877
Sending Song: Glory to God Hymnal #375 “Shall We Gather at the River”
TEXT: Robert Lowry, 1864
MUSIC (HANSON PLACE with refrain): Robert Lowry, 1864
Liturgist: Kristina Arellano