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Sermon: Transformed by the Renewing of Our Minds”
Theme: Jesus invites us to practices of submission that free us from alienation and fear, and enable us to experience renewal and healing in our souls.
Purpose: We will learn practices of renewal of our minds and release of fear.
Scriptures: Romans 12:1-8 Present your bodies as a living sacrifice; do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your minds.
Matthew 16:13-20 Peter affirms Jesus as the Messiah and on that affirmation, Jesus will build his church.
Questions: What does it mean for us to experiencing transformation of our minds? How do our minds experience renewal? In what ways does affirming the authority of Jesus affect our thinking and our relationships? How do we affirm Jesus as our Lord and Savior? How do different people affirm Jesus’ authority over their lives differently? How does submission to Jesus and humility enable us to be more self-confident and at peace.
Description for Sunday August 23rd 2020
Scripture is read from NRSV Bible (New Revised Standard Version)
Permission to podcast/stream the service music obtained from ONE LICENSE,
License #A-730666 and CCLI Streaming License CSPL069066. All Rights reserved.
Hymn Glory to God hymnal #530 “One Bread, One Body”
TEXT: John B. Foley, SJ, 1978; © 1978 John B. Foley, SJ (Published by OCP)
MUSIC (ONE BREAD, ONE BODY; Irregular): John B. Foley, SJ, 1978; © 1978 John B. Foley, SJ (Published by OCP)
All rights reserved. First Presbyterian Church, FDL OneLicense #A-730666
The Presbyterian Hymnal #579 “Gloria Patri”
Public Domain
Glory Be to the Father
TEXT: Trad. liturgical text. Composer: Henry W. Greatorex (1851)
Sending Glory to God Hymnal #765 “May the God of Hope Go with Us”
TEXT: Alvin Schutmaat, 1984
MUSIC (ARGENTINA with refrain): Argentine folk melody
Liturgists: Rebecca and Michael Frize