Our Christmas Eve Service, Thursday, December 24th, 2020. Click HERE to participate in the service on YouTube or for the service on Zoom at 6:30 PM email Pastor Jack at revjharrison@fdlpresbyterian.org for the link.
Sermon: Awaken to the Birth of Christ
Theme: We celebrate the birth of Christ and God’s gift of being with us even when we are not able to have the traditions and activities we have been accustomed.
Purpose: We will welcome Christ into our lives anew.
Scriptures: Isaiah 9:2-7 A child born to us, “Wonderful counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Luke 2:1-20 The Story of the birth of Jesus.
Do we see Christ in the light of Advent or are we focusing on the things that are not as we would wish them to be? As Advent comes to a close are we preparing our hearts for something new and transforming? What would we like to receive in our hearts for this Christmas? What would we like to experience in terms of healing or release with the coming of Christ? What
parts of our lives have continued to be in darkness that have been waiting for the light to come? Can we share the light of Christ with someone who is particularly in need of hope, encouragement, or love?
Description for Christmas Eve YouTube video
Scripture is read from NRSV Bible (New Revised Standard Version)
Permission to podcast/stream the service music obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-730666 and CCLI Streaming License CSPL069066. All Rights reserved.
Prelude to Worship
Glory to God Hymnal #134 “Joy to the World” vs. 1 & 2
TEXT: Isaac Watts, 1719, alt.
MUSIC (ANTIOCH, CM with repeat): Attr. George Frederick Handel, 1742; arr. Lowell Mason, 1836
Glory to God Hymnal #121 “O Little Town of Bethlehem” vs. 1 & 2
TEXT: Phillips Brooks, 1868
MUSIC (ST. LOUIS Lewis Henry Redner, 1868
Christmas Carol: Glory to God Hymnal #133 “O Come All ye Faithful”
This version of ‘O Come, all ye faithful’ is part of ‘Carols in a box’, a series of recordings put together by friends from churches across London. The audio was recorded remotely with each person singing into their phone at home along to the organ backing track, and once their contributions had been mixed together, they met on Saturday 21st November at a social distance at St Helen’s Bishopsgate to record the visuals.
Led by Richard Simpkin, Visuals by Ian Dingle, Audio by Sam Barber
Sung Response: “#113 “Angels We Have Heard on High” (chorus only)
TEXT: French carol; trans. James Chadwick, 1860, alt.
MUSIC (GLORIA with refrain): French carol; arr. Edward Shippen Barnes, 1937;
© 1937,ren. 1965 H. Augustine Smith Jr. (admin. Fleming H. Revell Company, a div. of Baker Publishing Group)
Special Music: “Away in a Manger” Peyton T. and Paige T.
A Christmas Story (Video) “Christmas is Still Coming” Written by Rev J Harrison
produced by members of First Presbyterian Church, FDL
Special Music: “What Child is This” Violin Solo, Elynor D. arr. By Kristina Arellano
Christmas Carol: Glory to God Hymnal #122 “Silent Night”
Publisher: Pond5 Publishing Alpha (ASCAP)
Composer: Murray Atkinson (SOCAN), IPI#219284071
License: Individual License
TEXT: Joseph Mohr, 1816; stanzas 1–3, English trans. John Freeman Young, 1863;
stanza 4, English trans. Jane Montgomery Campbell, 1863, alt.; Korean Trans. © The Christian Literature Society of Korea
MUSIC (STILLE NACHT, Irregular): Franz Xaver Gruber, 1818
Liturgists: Jolene Schry
Lighting of the Christ Candle: Rehn Family