January 17 Virtual Worship Service

Click HERE to watch the service on YouTube. Click HERE to listen to an audio podcast of the service. Click HERE to see the bulletin. We will update this information when the YouTube service is ready.

Sermon: “We See Differently” 

Theme: As we allow Jesus to free us from our rut of self-deception we see God’s love and healing in the world around us. 

Purpose: We will become aware of our perceptions of despair and hopelessness as we open our eyes to new possibility of God’s work in our midst.          

Scriptures:  Psalm 139:1-6, 13-28  “You have searched me, and know me.” “I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

                        John 1:43-51   Jesus tells Philip, “Follow me,” the disciples tell Nathanael of Jesus.

Questions: What keeps us from seeing the possibility of God’s love and grace in our lives? How do we release our beliefs in despair and hopelessness? How does our unforgiveness and hostility keep us from seeing God’s work in our lives? How is it that we are denying God’s healing from taking place in ourselves and in the world around us? What do we need to do in order to be right with God?

Description for Sunday, January 17, 2021

Scripture is read from NRSV Bible (New Revised Standard Version)

Permission to podcast/stream the service music obtained from ONE LICENSE,
License #A-730666 and CCLI Streaming License CSPL069066. All Rights reserved.

Hymn: Glory to God Hymnal #450 “Be Thou My Vision”
TEXT: Irish poem; trans. Mary E. Byrne, 1905; vers. Eleanor Hull, 1912, alt.
MUSIC (SLANE Irish ballad; harm. David Evans, 1927;  Harm. © 1927 Oxford University Press
All rights reserved. First Presbyterian Church, FDL OneLicense #A-730666

The Presbyterian Hymnal #579 “Gloria Patri”    

Public Domain   
Glory Be to the Father   
TEXT: Trad. liturgical text. Composer: Henry W. Greatorex (1851)   

Sending Hymn: Glory to God Hymnal #720 “Jesus Call Us”
TEXT: Cecil Frances Alexander, 1852
MUSIC (GALILEE William H. Jude, 1887

Liturgist: Krista Tahlman

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