Click HERE to listen to the service. Click HERE for a copy of the bulletin.
Message: We Live the Life We Have Chosen
Theme: We acknowledge that we live the life we ourselves have shaped and recognize our need to be willing to choose differently.
Purpose: We will cease to blame others for our outcomes.
Practice: Prayerfully acknowledge “I have chosen this, I can choose differently.”
Scriptures: Jeremiah 30:12-22 You cry out because of your wounds, but do not open your hearts to the grace of God.
John 12:36-43 The unbelief of the people and blindness.
Questions: How does blame, criticism, and complaining undermine our ability to have peace or joy? What causes us to trapped in patterns of believing ourselves to be victims of our situations? How do we go about moving out of the prison of hostility and blame? How do we embrace our choices to grow in our faith and take responsibility for our lives? In what ways do we move from negativity and hostility to see our lives as a gift from God? How does our spiritual hardness of heart make us blind?
Description for Wednesday, March 3rd ZOOM service 2021
Scripture is read from NRSV Bible (New Revised Standard Version)
Permission to podcast/stream the service music obtained from ONE LICENSE,
License #A-730666 and CCLI Streaming License CSPL069066. All Rights reserved.
Annual Pass from
Song: “How Great is Our God w/How Great thou Art Chorus”
CCLI Song # 4348399
Chris Tomlin | Ed Cash | Jesse Reeves
© 2004 sixsteps Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)
Vamos Publishing (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)
Wondrously Made Songs (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.)
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI License # 1644445
CCLI Song # 14181
Stuart Wesley Keene Hine
© Copyright 1949 and 1953 Stuart Hine Trust CIO Stuart K. Hine Trust (Administration: USA All rights by Capitol CMG Publishing, except print rights for USA, North, Central and South America administered by Hope Publishing. All other non USA Americas rights by the Stuart Hine Trust. Rest of World –
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI License # 1644445
Hymn: Glory to God Hymnal #744 Arise! Your Light is ComeTEXT: Ruth Duck, 1974, © 1992 GIA Publications, Inc.
MUSIC (FESTAL SONG, SM): William Walter, 1894
All rights reserved. First Presbyterian Church, FDL OneLicense #A-730666
Liturgist: Carson L.