Easter Sunday Worship April 4

Click HERE to see the YouTube video of the service. Click HERE to listen to an audio podcast. Click HERE for the bulletin. And click HERE for the radio version of the service (shorter).

Sermon:           “Rejoice, Christ Has Come”    

Theme:            We celebrate the gift of the resurrection, which moves us from gloom and darkness into the light of hope and salvation.   

Purpose:          We will experience the gift of Christ’s resurrection in personal and meaningful ways.       

Scriptures:       1 Corinthians 15:1-11 The Apostle Paul passes on what he received from those who bore witness of the resurrection to him.

                        John 20:1-18   Mary Magdalene receives the resurrection and passes it to the disciples.


How is the Apostle Paul’s experience of having received the resurrection from “faithful witnesses” different from Mary Magdalene’s experience which lead her to say to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord?” In what ways are we more like Paul, part of a chain of witnesses who have inherited our faith? In what ways do we need to be like Mary Magdalene, sharing a firsthand account of what we have seen and experienced? How do we allow ourselves to experience the resurrection in a new and profound way, especially during a pandemic?

Scripture is read from NRSV Bible (New Revised Standard Version)

Permission to podcast/stream the service music obtained from ONE LICENSE,
License A-730666 and CCLI Streaming License CSPL069066. All Rights Reserved.

Hymn Glory to God Hymnal #232 “Jesus Christ is Risen Today”

TEXT: Stanzas 1–3, Lyra Davidica, 1708; stanza 4, Charles Wesley, 1740; Spanish trans. Juan Bautista Cabrera, alt.;
Korean trans. The Christian Literature Society of Korea; Korean trans. © The Christian Literature Society of Korea

MUSIC (EASTER HYMN with alleluias): Lyra Davidica, 1708; adapt. from The Complete Psalmodist, 1749

The Presbyterian Hymnal #579 “Gloria Patri”    

Public Domain   
Glory Be to the Father   
TEXT: Trad. liturgical text. Composer: Henry W. Greatorex (1851)   

Sending Hymn Glory to God Hymnal #236 “The Strife is O’er”
TEXT: Latin hymn, c. 1695; trans. Francis Pott, 1861
MUSIC (VICTORY 8.8.8 with alleluias): Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, 1591; adapt. William Henry Monk, 1861

Liturgist: Jolene Schry

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