Committee Chair Dave Erickson presented the Ministry Information Form. It is a form that the Team developed, and Session approved. The form has now gone to the Presbytery Commission on Ministry.
It was entered into their database which, in turn searches for Pastor Information Forms that match the needs and skills required by First Presbyterian Church.
At this time, we have received 6 applications. Three applicants have stood out as potential candidates to lead our church. Interviews will be scheduled, in the near future, with the top three applicants. The interviewing process will most likely be done via ZOOM and take place after Thanksgiving, as schedules are complicated and tight.
Our last team meeting was a hybrid meeting. Some team members were in person; others participated via ZOOM.
Thank you for putting your trust in our Team. We look forward to finding the right candidate to lead our church.
Transitional/Interim Pastor Nominating Committee
Kristina Arellano, Jim Dassow, Dave Erickson, Jolene Schry and Don Vahlsing