Like A Garden Book Study

Like A Garden: A Biblical Spirituality of Growth Book Study

What is it about a garden that has such strong attraction for so many of us? In Like a Garden, author Sara Covin Juengst answers this question as she explores the way the metaphor of the garden is used in the Bible. The book looks at how the various garden images are used to convey ideas of God’s providential care, our responsibility to steward the earth, the discipline of the Christian life, what it means to bear fruit, and the harvest waiting for us in the new heaven and earth. It also discusses ancient gardening routines, such as plowing, planting, and pruning, to shed light on the significance of the symbolism used in biblical passages that use these images. You do not need to be a gardener but be willing to look at life through the metaphors of the garden.

You are welcome to join us at any time. Books are available in the church office.

  • In-Person Group Wednesday mornings 10:30-11:30am May 18-June 22      
  • Zoom Group Tuesday evenings 7-8pm May 17-June 21 (contact the church for a link)

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