1/8/2017 Epiphany Sunday (Baptism of the Lord)

Sermon:           “A Light For All of the World”

Theme:            We place conditions on our grace and compassion that sell short God’s love and grace and cause us to be confused about what God is doing in the world around us.

Purpose:          The congregation will reconsider prejudices and attitudes towards people who are different from ourselves.

Scriptures:       Isaiah 42:1-9    God has given us a light to open the eyes of the blind and free the captives

Acts 10:34-43  God’s message of healing is for all nations and all people.



What prejudices do we suffer because of our narrow perspective and lack of understanding of what God is doing in the world around us? How should we relate to people that are different from ourselves?  In what ways do we tend to discount people of other cultures or backgrounds? What happens when we are not open to people who are different from ourselves? What do we lose as a part of the body of Christ? In what ways do our anxieties and fears of the world come out of a lack of understanding of those who are different form ourselves?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

December 18th, 2016 “Such a Small Thing”

10:30 service will be the Cantata

8:00 Service:

Sermon:           “Such a Small Thing”

Theme:            Out of the smallest thing, a newborn baby, God acted to change all of creation so that we may experience God with us.

Purpose:          The congregation will see the birth of Jesus as God’s way of bringing healing in the world rather than programs, force, or other “big solutions.”

Scriptures:       Isaiah 7:10-16  Unto you a son shall be born, as a sign of God’s provision of care.

Matthew 1:18-25        The birth of Jesus, fulfilling the prophecy of God.



Why is the sign that is given for God’s action in the world the birth of a baby? In what ways is a baby a meaningful sign of God’s redeeming work? What difference should it make to us that God worked through people who would normally have no power or influence? What does this say about the way God brings healing to the world? In what ways is it important that the promise to Joseph begins with “do not be afraid?”  How do we adjust our thinking around God’s way of bringing healing to the world?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

December 11th, 2016 “Share the News: Hope is Reborn!”

Congregational Meeting following 8:00 Worship to elect officers.

Cookie Walk between services.

Sermon:           “Share the News: Hope is Reborn!”

Theme:            The source of our hope and joy is from the promises of God and the work that Christ gives us together.

Purpose:          The congregation will become less focused on the things that we cannot control and more focused on finding peace through sharing God’s love with the people around them.

Scriptures:       Isaiah 35:1-10  The wilderness shall be glad, strength the weak hands and make firm weak knees.  The eyes of the blind will be opened, the gospel will heal the land.

Matthew 11:2-11        John’s disciples inquire if Jesus is the messiah, he gives the signs of healing, proclamation, and blessing. Jesus affirms John’s role as prophet.



How can we draw strength from the coming of Christ? How do we strengthen our weak hands and weak knees? What do we have to do in order to see the coming of the love and healing of God? How do we open our hearts to the things we need during this season, such as peace, reconciliation, and comfort for our losses?  Why is it that so many of us find this such a sad season while there are so many upbeat carols and expectations that we be “merry?”  How is this a time for finding the joy of God’s refreshment and healing rather than joining in all of the activity and gaiety?  When we seek to deepen our relationship with Christ are we being selfish are is this a time for reflecting more on God’s work of grace and healing than on the external things of the season?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

12/4/2016 Communion “Open to A New Beginning”

Sermon:           “Open to A New Beginning”

Theme:            Our vision for Christmas is of reconciliation and peace, which takes place through daily openness to God’s healing in our lives as we acknowledge our need for renewal.

Purpose:          The congregation will recognize a need to seek a new vision for themselves and for the world in which they live.

Scriptures:       Isaiah 11:1-10  A shoot from the stump of Jessie, the wolf shall live with the lamb, the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord.

Matthew 3:1-12          John the Baptist, baptized with repentance.


In what ways are we blind to possibilities for hope and peace? In what ways does our inability to envision ourselves being different keep us from being open to God’s renewal and work in our lives? In what ways do we create the hopelessness and despair for peace in which we live? How can we envision God accomplishing a new work in our midst? How do we live acting realistically while keeping the ideals of peace and justice as our guide? What role does working for peace have in our ability to envision change in ourselves and in the world around us?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

11/27/2016 First Sunday of Advent

Sermon:           “Time to Wake Up!”

Theme:            As we awaken to Christ’s work of love and healing we discover the gift of light, peace, and unending joy.

Purpose:          The congregation will recognize the distractions that do not bring happiness and seek instead to experience God’s presence in Advent.

Scriptures:       Isaiah 2:1-5      The Lord’s house will be established above all others, they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, they shall not practice war any more.

Romans 13:11-14        Awake from sleep, live as people of the light.



What does it mean to “awaken” to Christ’s presence? What do we need to do in order to know God’s love and presence in the midst of Advent? What is the darkness in which we are stumbling through today? In what ways are we closing our eyes to God’s love and grace that is being offered to us? How can we be joyful and accepting rather than focused on all of the problems that surround us? What does it really mean to “walk in the light of the Lord?”

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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