11/20/2016 Christ the King Sunday

Sermon:           “Life Without Fear”

Theme:            Through submission to Christ and serving others with trust in God we grow into a confidence that frees us from worry about our future or for the issues in the world.

Purpose:          The congregation will seek to move from fearing because of their lack of control to trusting as they serve Christ.

Scriptures:       Colossians 1:11-20      He is the image of the invisible God, the first born of creation. He himself is before all things.

Luke 1:68-79   (the magnificat) God has given a mighty savior who will give salvation to the people, to give light to those who sit in darkness.



What is our source of strength and confidence as Christians? What does it mean to us to “submit” to God?” In what ways do we acknowledge Jesus as having authority over our life? What does it mean to call Jesus our “Lord” and our “Savior?”  How do we find confidence and strength in the midst of the intimidation and fears of the world today?  How does our focus on Jesus’ lordship and God’s power become a comfort and source of hope for us in the midst of chaos and uncertainty? Can we share this authority of Jesus in a way that brings hope and peace to the world?

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11/13/2016 Choosing to Be People of Healing

Sermon:           “Willing to Sacrifice so we May Heal Others”

Theme:            It is not by strength or power, but through our faithfulness to Christ and boundless compassion that comes from God we bring healing to the world.

Purpose:          The congregation will recognize the value of submitting to Christ and humbly taking a role in reaching out in healing love.

Scriptures:       1 Peter 2:21-25           Christ’s suffering was to bring healing, and in the same way we accomplish the work of bringing healing through grace and love.

Mark 1:40-45  Jesus chose to touch and heal the man with leprosy, thought that meant he had to remain outside of the towns.



What are we willing to sacrifice in order to bring healing to others? In what ways are we healed by reaching out in love to those who are suffering? In what ways does the willingness to experience discomfort and inconvenience a source of renewal and strength? How do we recognize that bringing peace is a work of healing the world? In what ways does that work of bringing peace require humility and submission rather than power and domination? Why is it that some experience so much joy and celebration in the work of serving the world? How do we become less focused on what we want and more focused on serving Christ by reaching out to the world?

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11/6/2016 We Believe That God is Still in Charge Communion

Sermon:           Knowing Confidence Through Christ’s Authority

Theme:            As we live and act in Christ we experience confidence and peace in the knowledge of God’s love and authority which will provide for us.

Purpose:          The congregation will recognize that the way to confidence is to serve God and practice a relationship of serving Christ.

Scriptures:       Romans 8:28-39          We have confidence and know all things work together for good for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Matthew 21:23-32      Jesus is asked by what authority he acts, parable of two sons.



What does it mean to us that “All things work together for good for those who are in Christ Jesus?” What does it mean to us to be in Christ Jesus? What confidence might we have if we learn to live in healthy relationships with God and trust in God’s authority? What frightens us about God’s power and authority? In what ways do we act like the disobedient son, claiming to serve God but in truth serving our own egos? How does this affect our life and our feelings of insecurity? How do we find ourselves rooted and confident through our faith in God?

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10/30/2016 Choose Your Battles Wisely

Sermon:           Do Not Fight Foolishly

Theme:            The source of strength is our relationship with Christ and knowledge of God, and in that way we choose to never enter conflict which cuts us off from that strength.

Purpose:          The congregation will reconsider fights and battles that are based upon ego, rather than serving Christ.

Scriptures:       1 Corinthians 1:26-31 God chose what is weak and despised in the world, let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.

Luke 14:25-35 The cost of discipleship – do not go to build if you do not have the materials to finish.



How do we recognize when we have found ourselves in a “foolish squabble” as opposed to a significant disagreement? In retrospect we come to understand that many of the conflicts and divisions that have taken place among Christians were actually the result of stubbornness and foolish need for self-importance.  How do we recognize that when it is happening? What is most important in the life of the Church?  How do we keep our focus on what is most important in the Church? How do we keep that focus in our own life?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

10/23/2016 Forgiving Others as You Accept Forgiveness

Sermon:           Forgiven, As We Forgive

Theme:            It is only through letting go of the sins and offenses of others that we are able to made right in our relationship with God and with one another.

Purpose:          The congregation will recommit to forgiving and letting go of hostility, bitterness, and resentment.

Scriptures:       2 Corinthians 5:16-21 Be reconciled to God, do not regard anyone from a “human” point of view.

Matthew 18:23-35      The parable of the unforgiving servant.



How does bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness affect our relationship with God? If we do not forgive others and hold grudges, what happens to our ability to experience God’s love and grace in our own lives? In what ways does our gratitude for the love and acceptance that God has for us affect our ability to love and accept the differences in others? In what ways are guilt, low self-worth, and a sense of being judged signs that we have not let go of the hostility and anger we have for others? What practical steps can we do to release others of our judgment and hostility?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

10/16/2016 Sabbath Self-care and Serving Christ

Sermon:           We Need Rest in Order to be Wise.

Theme:            Sabbath keeps us in healthy relationship with God and our physical needs so that we may make wise decisions in the midst of conflict.

Purpose:          The congregation will reconsider their needs and priorities so as to experience real sabbath rest.

Scriptures:       Genesis 2:2-3  God rested on the Sabbath.

Mark 2:23-3:6 The lack of understanding of Sabbath and hardness of heart.

Psalm 37:1-9   Do not fret over the wicked, find strength in stillness.



What difference does time for rest make in our ability to resolve conflicts? In what ways does a lack of rest affect our ability to be open to resolving conflicts? In what ways does a lack of sabbath time lead to additional conflicts? How do we learn to find balance in our lives so that we may be healthy and wise? What can we do so that we are in a healthy state of mind when we are attempting to find resolution in conflict situations? How do we reach out in love and compassion to those whose lives have not had enough rest?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

10/9/2016 Compassionate Confrontation or Accepting Enabling

Sermon:           “Acting To Bring Reconciliation”

Theme:            We dedicate ourselves to working for reconciliation and healing, confessing our shortcomings, and recognizing our struggles together so that we may reflect the love of Christ.

Purpose:          The congregation will confess their failures in working for reconciliation and commit themselves to learning and growing in the love and forgiveness of Christ Jesus.

Scriptures:       Ephesians 4:25-32       Speak the truth in love, do not allow evil talk to come out of your mouth.

Matthew 18:15-22      Go to the person with whom you have the issue directly, and then work to find reconciliation.



What difference does our way of dealing with conflict make in our relationship with God? In what ways are our challenging relationships a part of the process of growing as disciples? What difference does “speaking the truth in love” make in a relationship? Why is that different from “speaking the truth?” Does this mean that we should be honest in what we feel or should we be thoughtful in what we choose to say? What does it mean to “grieve the Holy Spirit?” In what ways do conflicts between God’s people affect the people around them? In what ways does this cause grief to God?  Is Jesus serious about constantly forgiving people? How does this change the way we resolve issues with others?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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