Forrest Frank recently wrote a song that expounds on our Advent theme “presents/presence” beautifully.
Blog Archives
February 18 First Sunday in Lent
Join us on February 18 as Rev. Dr. Craig Alwin leads us in 9 am Worship In-Person and on Zoom.
December 17 Worship 3rd Sunday of Advent
Join us on December 17 for worship at 9am In-Person and Live Stream. Pastor Ken Nabi will be leading us in worship along with Youth from our congregation.
Challenge Day presentation
Presentation by Scott Rodman, Sept 24, 2023 at 10:20am in the Church Parlor
January 8 Worship – Baptism of the Lord
Join us as Pastor Ken Locke leads us in 9am Worship in the Sanctuary and on Zoom.
December 25 2022 Christmas Day
Join us as Pastor Ken Locke leads us in 9am Worship in the Sanctuary and on Zoom.
Growing Connections Holy Disruption
“HOLY DISRUPTION” by Tracy S. Daub
Led by Chaplain Darren Beachy
Growing Connections on Sunday Mornings (Adult Program with Zoom)
Sunday Morning 10:15-11:30 am December 4, 11, 18 and Jan 8
The video of the November 27th class can be accessed here
The video of the December 4th class can be accessed here
The video of the December 11th class can be accessed here
The video of the December 18th class can be accessed here.
The Video of the January 8th class can be accessed here.
The Gospel of Mark doesn’t have a nativity story. So where’s the Advent message? It’s in every aspect of Jesus’ life, death, and beyond. The Incarnation – God comes to earth in human form to be baptized, teach, heal, eat, and die. This is what we celebrate at Christmas. Mark shows us just how radical and celebration-worthy it is! Holy Disruption presents a fresh understanding of the holiness of Christmas grounded, not in a conventional cozy Christmas message, but through Mark’s disquieting gospel. Mark invites its readers to experience God’s disruptive but transformative love for us and our world. This year our church will use the season of Advent to facilitate conversation and connection with each other and the meaning of this time in the church year.
Diabetes Awareness
Growing Connections November 20, 2022 presentation by Carol Wetzel and video by Dr. Roopa Shah
To view the video please click here
November 13 Worship
Pastor Ken Locke is serving as our Transitional Pastor. Pastor Locke has a great deal of experience in working with congregations in transition. He will lead the congregation through a time of study and discernment that will prepare us for our next full-time pastor.