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Prayer Request
February 9 Worship-Fifth Sunday of Epiphany
Join us on February 9 at the 9 am worship service as Rev. Dr. Craig Alwin shares the sermon, “Don’t Be Afraid.”
February Newsletter-The Presbyterian Post
Welcome to February!
There are many opportunities to connect with our church family and our community this month. You can catch up on all the February information here.
Growing Connections-Finding Hope-February 9
On Sunday, February 9th during the Growing Connections hour, Pastor Craig will be sharing a few key findings from his doctoral research about leadership as a local theologian that are guiding us into and through a time of discernment about what it means to be the church and what this might look like in the emerging context of western culture.
Fellowship Time Information and Sign-Up
Please click here to volunteer.
The video “How to Make Coffee” is available on our YouTube channel at
We have the How to Use Dishwasher video available on our YouTube channel
Thank You for Your Generosity to the Alternative Gift Fair
Alternative Gift Fair -The Alternative Gift Fair offered us the opportunity to reach out to our community, and the world, to share God’s love by directing some of our Christmas giving to those who are in need.
read onFirst Presbyterian Church Blood Drive
Thank you for making a difference in our community by donating at the First Presbyterian Church Blood Drive. Many people don’t donate during the holiday season, but it is a very high-demand time of year for blood products. Imagine your loved one needing a blood transfusion due to illness or injury and there not being any blood available. We had 8 units donated, supporting 24 local patients. On behalf of those patients and their families, thank you.
About Our Christmas Eve Moravian Lovesfeast
Join us, Christmas Eve, for a 5:00 pm Candlelight Worship Service with Milk and Cookies, our Moravian Lovefeast. Modeled after the Moravian Lovefeast (see more info below), our Christmas Eve Lovefeast is a special service when we share a simple meal together. Throughout the lovefeast, Christmas carols are played and sung. During the distribution of the lovefeast, the servers bring in trays of heart-shaped cookies wrapped in napkins and pass them down the pews. When they are finished, they come back in with small cups of chocolate milk. During the sharing of the lovefeast, you may offer words or gestures of Christ’s peace and love to one another as a sign of our unity in this household of ministry.
The Present
Forrest Frank recently wrote a song that expounds on our Advent theme “presents/presence” beautifully.