9:00 AM (One Service) January 26, 2014

Isaiah the Prophet The Mission of an unpopular message (what is success?)
Theme: We cannot measure success or what it means to be effective on the standards of the world but have to measure it on the basis of faithfulness.
Purpose: A challenge we all face is to take joy in faithfulness and choose carefully how we measure success.
Sermon: “Isaiah the Prophet” The Mission of an unpopular message (what is success?)
Isaiah 6:1-12 Isaiah’s Call
2 Timothy 4:1-5 Preach the message in season and out of season
Was Isaiah successful in proclaiming God’s word because he was persistent in it or because he was faithful to the message? Why proclaim a message that no one wants to hear? What is the purpose of faithfulness if it isn’t going to make things work out for us? How do we know when we are preaching an unpopular message and when we are just being unpleasant ourselves? What do we need to sacrifice in order to be effective in sharing the message of God’s love? Are there people in our lives (family, close friends) to whom we cannot effectively be the conduit of God’s messages? Are there people who close their ears and refuse to listen today?

An Unpopular Message – Click here to listen to the message

January 19, 2014 8:00 and 10:30 AM

Theme: God calls us whether or not we are willing and prepared, our response is to speak from the heart.
Sermon: “A Real Son of a Shepherd”
Amos 7:7-17 Amos, the plumb line, and his calling.
1 John 4:1-6 Test the spirits, consider whether what you are hearing is from God.
What makes a prophet? What are we supposed to do with those feelings and passions we have? Should we speak up when it might offend someone, or is that just being arrogant? How do we know when a message is from God? What type of abilities or qualifications should someone have before we believe them? Should we believe everything that someone we respect says? Is it okay that a person doesn’t believe everything that the pastor preaches? How do we know God’s word?

Click HERE to listen to message.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sermon: David Powerful and Weak – Struggling with his own impulses.
Theme: David was powerful over so many things, other than his own impulses and personal weaknesses, which led him to be surrounded by pain and strife throughout his life.
Purpose: To recognize that we are at time gifted but always sinners; and though we pay the consequences for our actions, we are still loved and treasured by God.
Scriptures: Psalm 51:1-12 A Psalm of David when he sinned.
2 Samuel 12:7-12 Nathan Confronts David and his sin.

Click HERE to listen to message.


December 1, 2013 First Sunday of Advent

Theme: The Miracle begins with a conversation between the voice of God and one who no but God would have noticed.

Luke 1:26-38 The Angel appears to Mary Angel
Isaiah 7:10-16 The Sign, a young woman shall conceive;

Sermon: “Listening for Angelic Voices”

Purpose: Instead of allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed by noisy voices calling out for shopping, drinking, and running, we listen to what God speaks to us about what is really important.


What is an angel? Who is Gabriel (name means literally the “Strength of God”)? Why did God choose Mary? What does it mean to us that our relationship with Christ begins when the Angel of the Lord speaks to a peasant girl in an unimportant part of the world? Why does this story challenge us intellectually and at the same time mean so much to us? Do we believe in angels? What do we believe about the way in which God communicates to us?

Click HERE to listen to message.


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