April 20, 2014 Easter Sunday
Sermon: “What a Difference That Day Makes”
Theme: If we will embrace and live in the joy of the resurrection we become confident of God’s steadfast love filling all of the days of our lives.
Scriptures: John 20:1-18 John tells of the resurrection.
Colossians 3:1-4 If you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above.
What is meant by “If you have been raised with Christ?” Are we raised with Christ by believing in him? What is the difference between believing in the resurrection and not believing in the resurrection? Do we have to believe the resurrection is a “scientific fact” in order to know Christ’s love? What is the gift of God’s love that is so great that it cannot be defeated by death? Can we affirm with Mary, “We have seen the lord!”?
Click HERE to listen to message.