October 31 In-Person and Virtual Worship
Join us October 31st as Rev. Mary Council Austin leads us in worship.
Christians Serving, Learning, and Loving
Join us October 31st as Rev. Mary Council Austin leads us in worship.
Join us October 24th as Rev. Dan Schultz leads us in worship. Rev. Daniel Schultz is a minister in the United Church of Christ. He has led congregations in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Currently, he serves as the Community Health Program Director for the Wisconsin Council of Churches and is an adjunct instructor of theology at Marian University.
Join us October 17th as Rev. Mary Balson leads us in worship.
Sunday, September 19, 2021 we will gather in person in the sanctuary at 9:00. Masks are required so that we may reduce the spread of infection and protect those who are vulnerable among us. The bulletin for that service may be found HERE. We will be recognizing our 2020 confirmands, who will be taking part in leading the service.
We will also be offering our YouTube worship which may be found HERE, and the bulletin for that service is HERE. An audio podcast of the service is found HERE. The Radio version of the service (shorter) is found by clicking HERE.