PYA = Presbyterian Youth Association October Schedule

PYA is for students in the 6th-12th grade.  Purpose: To get to know Jesus Christ and have lots of fun!

Sunday October 6th PYA Intergenerational Mission Sunday 9am-10am

Saturday October 12th PYA at the Woodlands 10:45-11:45am

Sunday October 13th PYA 5:30pm-7pm

Sunday October 20th PYA 5:30pm-7pm

Sunday October 27th  PYA 5:30pm-7pm Planning VSA Halloween Party

Tuesday October 29th  Hosting United Singers (formally the Very Special Arts Choir) Halloween Party  5-7:30 pm

Friday Nov. 1-Sun Nov. 3rd  Winnebago Presbytery Camp at the Pilgrim Center, Green Lake                                                                                                                   Crafts, games, worship, Habitat Shed build, ad venture course. Come join your other Presbytery friends! Cost will be $40.00 per person with sup porting funds. No charge for the Confirmation Class.   Any questions please ask Jennifer.



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