October 19, 2014 “How the Wise Use Their Money”

Sermon: “Wisdom and Money”
Theme: Those who are wise submit their hearts and finances to God, drawing their strength from Christ’s love.
Purpose: To focus on the need to find maturity in Christ as a way of living in joy rather than off our purchases or consumptions.
Scriptures: Proverbs 3:28 Do not withhold good when you can act.
Ecclesiastes 5:10-20 Love of money does not bring happiness.

What is our relationship with our wealth? Does wealth make us happier? How does our financial circumstance affect our spiritual life? How does it affect our way of seeing ourselves? In what ways is managing our money an essential part of wisdom? Is there a way in which wisdom teaches us to have a different point of view or attitude towards money? What does it mean to be wealthy?

Click HERE to listen to the Sermon.

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