11/22/2015 Giving Hands

Sermon:           “Reaching Out in Love”

Theme:            The body of Christ has meaning and purpose by reaching out in love (and does not exist for any other purpose.

Purpose:          The congregation will seek to live and function as the Body of Christ, and measure success of our work together by being those who reach out in love to the world.

Scriptures:       James 1:22-27 Do not be hearers only but be doers of the word.

Luke 9:23-27   If anyone to be followers, let them take up their cross, what does it profit if they gain the world but lose their purpose?


In what ways is the “body of Christ” doing the work of Christ today? Do non-church people see Christians as generous and compassion or as judgmental and self-righteous? What do we need to do so that God’s love flows more fully through our actions? Does our religion reflect James description:  “27Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world?”  Do we worry more about our needs and rights than about living faithfully the love of Christ in daily actions? What are some specific changes we could make to better show the love and grace of Jesus?

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