2/14/2016 What Does it Mean to be Healed? 1st Sunday of Lent

Sermon:           “A Prayer To Be Made Whole!”

Theme:            Healing is to be given wholeness and balance that enables us to live in the fullness of what God intends.

Purpose:          The congregation will recognize that healing is about fulfillment and being made complete as God created us to be.

Scriptures:       James 5:13-16 The prayers of the elders heal the sick, confession is a part of healing.

Matthew 9:18-26        The woman touched his garment, and Jesus said: Your faith has made you whole.



What does it mean to be “whole?” How does this correspond to “Holiness” as understood in the scriptures? How do we feel about ourselves? Do we have areas of our lives and relationships that are not right? Are there things that we would like to submit to God’s care and allow them to be changed? What is our level of faith for God to do a transforming work? What practices and changes do we need to consider in order to be open to healing? Are we healed because of our own capabilities in praying or is healing something that God gives us freely through faith?  How do we begin to open ourselves to experiencing healing?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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