Sermon: “Suffering: The Search for ‘Why?'”
Theme: In the midst of our pain and discomfort we need a purpose and reason in order to work toward healing and peace.
Purpose: The congregation will understand the need for disciplines that bringing meaning and purpose to their own and other’s suffering
Scriptures: Philippians 1:21-30 Live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel, living and suffering have purpose of serving God.
Matthew 5:10-15 Blessed are you when you are persecuted, a light should be allowed to shine clearly for all to see.
How do we deal with suffering that seems to have no meaning or purpose? What is it about the suffering of the young, or those who seem undeserving of pain that is so hard for us spiritually? What difference does it make that suffering have a meaning to it? In what ways can we participate in finding meaning in suffering? What is the difference between seeking meaning in the midst of pain or suffering and trying to justify bad things happening?
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