The way in which money decides what we think about ourselves. “moolah”
Sermon: “Cash Cows”
Theme: Money becomes an idol which can dominate our hearts, lives, and thinking.
Purpose To create an altitude of freedom from money.
Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 5:10-20 God has given wisdom in taking pleasure in what we do for labor and be in relationships which are healthy.
Matthew 6:19-24 You cannot serve two masters, where your money is, there your heart will be also.
What does it mean to be a “lover of money?” How does our relationship with money affect our way of seeing ourselves? How does our feelings about money affect our spiritual life? In what ways do we seek to serve money and to serve God? How do we go about the process of putting our money in service of God? What role does sacrificing our feelings about money have in developing our healthy relationships with God and the people we love?
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