October 21st, 2018

Sermon:          “True Greatness”

Theme:            Those who wish to be joyful and fulfilled will seek to live out their purpose and use their gifts to bring God’s healing and compassion.

Purpose:         The congregation members will reflect on their own gifts and abilities and seek for ways to serve.

Scriptures:      Hebrews 5:1-10  Christ’s obedience was in what he suffered.

Mark 10:35-45   James and John argue over who will be first in the kingdom.



In what ways do we focus on the things that we can do, rather than the people that God has called us to be? How is it that we are gifts to the people around us? How can we be people who embody forgiveness and love rather than worry about status or self-importance? In what ways do we miss the chance to be a part of God’s grace because we are too concerned about superficial concerns?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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